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Omar Torres

Born in January 23, 1962 in Matanzas, Cuba; Omar Torres is a landscape artist with a great vision and creativity. He is also considered bay many an ecological landscape artist. Forest fires, endangered fauna, and deforestation are topics that concern him a great deal and are portrayed in his paintings.


"To see the formal quality, the level, and the content of the paintings represented by Omar Torres, I feel the joy of the being on the first collectors of his works and to have contributed with my friendship at some point to the development of his talent" -Tomas Sanchez-March 21, 1995 

Omar Torres' paintings form part of important collections through out the world in countries such as Panama, Chile, Jamaica, USA Spain, Sweden and Mexico.

Collective Exhibits:

2003-Eliassons Art Gallery - Coral Gables, FL.

2001-Cernuda Arte - Coral Gables, FL.

1999-Museo Galeria Josefina - Nicaragua

1996-Galeria 123 - El Salvador

1995-Museo Nacional de Cuba - Habana, Cuba

1995-Bernheim Gallery - Panama

1995-Galeria Victor Manuel - Habana, Cuba

1995-Banco Nacional de Panama - Panama

1995-Galeria 123 - El Salvador

1994-Bernheim Gallery - Panama

1994-Galeria Chelsea - Jamaica

1994-Galeria Victor Manuel - Habana, Cuba

1994-Galeria La Acacia - Habana, Cuba

1994-Galeria Jorge Arche - Matanzas, Cuba

Personal Exhibits:

1996-Berheim Gallery-Panama

* Some of these art works have been sold and are now part of private collections around the world.

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